Jianjun Zhou (周健均)

First year CS PhD @ZJU, advised by Prof. Chunhua Shen


I’m a first year PhD student in Zhejiang University, majoring in computer science and technology, advised by Prof. Chunhua Shen.

I’m still exploring my interest in research, including generative modeling (now familiar with diffusion models), computer vision and AI for science. If any collision of ideas is expected, please email me at zhoujianjun@zju.edu.cn.

When I have any publication, my photo will be updated. 😄


2024 To be continued...
2021 & 2023 Chinese National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of China


Zhejiang University
Turing Class, Chu Kochen Honors College
2020 - 2024, Hangzhou, China

B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology
GPA: 4.83/5.0(4.0/4.0), 93.98/100
Rank: 1/82
Advisor: Prof. Chunhua Shen

Teaching Assistant

2024 CS3141M Computational Photography , with Prof. Guofeng Zhang & Research Prof. Xiaowei Zhou
2023 CS3132M Computer Vision , with Prof. Gang Pan
2023 CS3211M Introductory Lectures on Optimization , with Prof. Hui Qian
other TA experiences
2024 CS1004G Fundamentals of Computer Science (B) , with Rui Shen (instructor)
2024 CS1006G Python Programming , with Rui Shen (instructor)
2023 CS1014GZ Fundamentals of Programming and Algorithm , with Kai Weng (senior instructor)